Conflicts of Jesenreth

Revision as of 14:32, 24 January 2020 by The-Dungeon-Master (talk | contribs)

Currently there are no large-scale wars on the planet, though it has been riven by many such in the past, and there are several small-to-medium scale conflicts raging, and some which could break out at any time. These include:

Gnoll Ravagers v.s. Civilized Nations

Leaving Skusk in barely seaworthy barges and following the northerly currents to plunder, pillage, and murder in the shipping lanes and territories of the countries of the north is a cornerstone of what passes for culture among the Gnoll, and thus has been going on for many hundreds of years. The civilized nations has adapted somewhat to its occurrence: naval ships and armed merchants expect and ready for gnolls raids, and most of the time they cause minimal death and damage. Several times military expeditions have mounted to destroy the gnoll ability and will to go raiding, but short of wiping all of them out, which no one has been willing to do, they always build back and come again. Ravagers, as these raiding parties are called, usually come in one or two barges, each holding between 20 and 40 gnolls, who attack savagely and give no quarter, but have little strategy and almost novel advanced arms, like cannon, or magic. Those who fall to knows can expect a swift and brutal death, although prisoner/slave taking has happened. Raids are successful just often enough to keep the gnolls in food and equipment.

Pirates v.s. Civilized Nations

Greta/Gretell Cold War

Thulok Karn v.s Seven Tribes

Thulok Karn v.s. Yar Kanti Islands

The Citadel of High Magic/Syndecol Industries Cold War

Qruk v.s. Ratfolk

Thoilesian Expansionism