Enlightened Shrub

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Enlightened Shrub
Small plant, Neutral or Lawful Good

The Enlightened Shrub is a new race, created by an unforeseen intervention by the goddess Aloo, through one of her clerics. It is said that the cleric was aiding a group of Awakened Shrubs when they were beset by evil flora. The cleric used his magics and connection to Aloo to raise some of the kinder Awakened Shrubs from death, granting them their superior abilities. Further Enlightened Shrubs seem to birth from prolonged exposure to the original Enlightened raised by the cleric. The Enlightened effect appears to take place more easily for Awakened Shrubs than for natural shrubs.

Curious and Mobile
Mostly curious by nature, the Enlightened Shrub is inclined to exploration and making friends wherever they go. These Shrubs tend to stand as tall and weigh as much as their Awakened kin and carry many of the same physical properties.

Enlightened shrubs’ leaf color and style differ based on their origins and can be either deciduous or evergreen. It is not uncommon for deciduous shrubs to shed and regrow their leaves with the seasons, but at a much quicker rate than a typical shrub.

Uncertain Futures
The first Enlightened shrubs were created in CY 1115 on the planet Jesenreth. None of these shrubs is known yet to have died by old age, so it is uncertain if their lifespans are similar to that of their Awakened kin. It has been suggested that, due to their initial connection to Aloo, they may live much longer lives, but only time and study will tell.

Enlightened Shrubs lack the social knowledges of other races, tending to miss social cues, and assaulting the personal space of new people in their curiosity of new things. The Shrubs’ tendency towards curiosities makes them braver than their kin, often putting them in dangerous situations.

While Enlightened Shrubs do gain their power from Aloo, their loyalty to her seems to be dependent on the individual Shrub. Their morality tends towards her own followers, Neutral or Lawful Good, but their exploratory nature may affect their personalities more quickly than other races.

Natural Homes
The first generation of Enlightened Shrubs appear to have originated in northeastern Marbindor, but newer generations can come from any area that a shrub can grow. Since their Enlightened status comes from exposure to one of the original Shrubs, or possibly a second- or third-generation of Enlightened Shrub, there are few places that Enlightened Shrubs call home, as of yet. Since they tend towards mobility, there is little known about the nature of their homes. It is possible that they come from tight-knit communities of Awakened Shrubs, or perhaps they simply Enlighten and immediately set off around the world. The few Enlightened Shrubs that have been forthcoming have not claimed any true place as home, leading many to postulate that the planet itself is their home, as long as they can find a place to take root.

Enlightened Shrub Names
An Enlightened Shrub isn’t typically given a name, since it has no true parents. They tend to take their names from whatever strangers call them, though some assign themselves an identifier. Some scholars have taken to cataloguing the names of Enlightened Shrubs to make sense of their identities.

Currently logged names: Bush, Twiggy, What-the-fuck-are-you-supposed-to-be, Carl, Berries, Thorn Face, Raised-by-Deck-and-set-forth-to-explore-the-islands-of-Jesenreth-where-I-met-an-angry-farmer-who-tried-to-set-fire-to-me-but-I-was-aided-by-a-local-skeleton-horde-who-distracted-and-slew-my-attacker-before-moving-on-to-new-heroics-and-I-myself-have-birthed-twelve-Enlightened-Shrubs-who-have-gone-on-to-explore-other-corners-of-Jesenreth-and-now-I-am-seeking-a-group-of-what-I-have-learned-are-called-Adventurers-because-I-think-this-is-the-best-way-to-explore-further-than-others-of-my-race-can, Tumbleweed

Enlightened Shrubs don’t ascribe to typical gender expectations.

Enlightened Shrub Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Shrubs grow over the course of their life, but reach mental maturity upon Enlightenment. While Awakened Shrubs are known to live for 7 to 10 years (or more, with skilled maintenance), it is uncertain how long the lifespan of an Enlightened Shrub can be.

Alignment. Due to their connection to Aloo, Enlightened Shrubs lean towards Neutral or Lawful Good. Because of their tendency to adapt to their location and local populations as a defense mechanism, it has been noted that some Shrubs, lacking intentional morality, have switched their alignments quickly and without noticeable purpose.

Size. Shrubs vary in height and girth, however, they’re generally about 3 feet tall and wide, weighing about 20 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Barky. While not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 13 plus your Dexterity modifier.

Bounded. Due to the need for your limbs to grow unhindered, you are restricted to using only light armor.

Blindsight. You don’t have eyes; however, your connection to the world around you gives you the ability to sense your surroundings normally within 60 feet. Beyond that, you are blind. You are immune to the blinded condition.

False Appearance. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a normal shrub.

Rake. Your pointy sticks are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes, and they count as finesse weapons for you. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier.

Burning Bush. You are vulnerable to fire damage.

Take Root. Once per long rest, if you are on natural ground, you can take one action to settle your roots into the earth, healing yourself for 1d8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Thrust Resistance. You are resistant to piercing damage.

Languages. You have the innate ability to speak to plants at will, and Aloo has granted you the ability to speak Common. You can write using your branches to make marks in any malleable material.

Subraces. Shrubs range in shape and size, each with their own function within the natural world: Berry, Barberry, and Yew. Choose one of these subraces.

Berry Shrub

Berry Shrubs are bushy with small flowers dotting their bodies that become berries when they use their Berried trait. The flowers give off a pleasant aroma, allowing the Berry Shrub a +1 to Charisma.

Berried. You can cast the goodberry spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Forager's Bane. When a creature eats a berry created by your Berried trait within 30 feet of you, you can force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute for each berry they consume. The DC for the saving throw is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Barberry Shrub

Sometimes referred to as Tumble Shrubs, these folk are well-travelled, moving through the wind and are sometimes confused with tumbleweeds. Barberry Shrubs know how to move, and thus gain +1 to Dexterity. They also come with an extra bite, as they are enveloped with tiny thorns.

Tumbler. Your base walking speed increases to 30 feet. In addition, when you take the Dash action, you move an additional 10 feet.

Engulf. Once per long rest, the Barberry Shrub can extend its appendages to surround its weapon, adding an extra 1d4 per attack. This ability lasts for up to 1 minute. Barberry Shrubs inclined to ranged attacks can prune thorns as they draw their ammo, giving their attacks the same effect.

Yew Shrub

A hardy variant, the Yew Shrub’s branches stem from a strong central trunk, giving them a +1 to Strength. While they never flower, they do provide a vibrant green color year-round.

Needler. Once per encounter when you take an opponent to zero hits points with an attack, you may use your reaction to roll an extra attack.

Hedge. Once per day, during combat, you can temporarily grow extra limbs, adding a +5 bonus to AC. This effect lasts for two rounds.