Leeol Joost

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Leeol Joost

Class: __Monk 1__ Race: __Human __ Background: __Hermit__ Gender: __Female__

Alignment: __Chaotic Good__

STR: __13 (+1)__ DEX: __16 (+3)__ CON: __14 (+2)__ INT: __11 (+0)__ WIS: __15 (+2)__ CHA: __9 (-1)__

ARMOR CLASS: 15 (unarmored defense)\\ Initiative: +3\\ Speed: 30ft.\\ Proficiency Bonus: +2\\

Hit Points: 10\\

Weapon and Unarmed Attacks

Basic Attack. One target per Attack action.

Martial Arts. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage. Make unarmed strike as bonus action.

Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage. (Normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)

Magic and Special Attacks

Martial Arts During A Turn: Counting actions and bonus actions for attacks, each round you can make up to two unarmed attacks or one weapon attack plus one unarmed attack in a turn. (Opportunity attacks are reactions and don't count toward these limits, allowing one unarmed or weapon attack against one enemy per round.\\

Saving Throws

+3 Strength Saves *\\ +5 Dexterity Saves *\\ +2 Constitution Saves
+0 Intelligence Saves
+2 Wisdom Saves\\ -1 Charisma Saves

  • Prof. bonus added\\


+5 Acrobatics (Dex) *\\ +2 Animal Handling (Wis)\\ +0 Arcana (Int)\\ +1 Athletics (Str)\\ -1 Deception (Cha)\\ +0 History (Int)\\ +2 Insight (Wis)\\ -1 Intimidation (Cha)\\ +0 Investigation (Int)\\ +4 Medicine (Wis) *\\ +0 Nature (Int)\\ +2 Perception (Wis)\\ -1 Performance (Cha)\\ -1 Persuasion (Cha)\\ +2 Religion (Int) *\\ +3 Sleight of Hand (Dex)\\ +5 Stealth (Dex) *\\ +2 Survival (Wis)\\

  • Prof. bonus added\\

Human Traits

Age: 19-years-old\\ Medium Size (6' 1", 178 lbs.)\\

Class Features

Unarmored Defense (AC)\\ Martial Arts (1d4, bonus attack)\\

Background Features

Discovery (great secret: an ancient fighting style she has not yet mastered)\\

Proficiencies and Languages:

Armor: none\\ Weapons: simple weapons, shortsword\\ Tools: herbalism kit, flute (musical instrument)\\ Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity\\ Skills: Acrobatics, Medicine, Religion, Stealth\\ Languages: Common Tongue, Dwarvish, Tortle\\

Equipment and Treasure:

Carried Gear: shortsword, ten (10) darts, herbalism kit (clippers, mortar and pestle, pouches and vials of herbs), set of common clothes, a scroll case stuffed full of notes from your studies, a winter blanket\\ Lifting and Carrying: 195 lbs. max. carrying capacity; 390 lbs. pushing or dragging (speed -5 ft.); 390 lbs. max. lift.\\ Coins & Gems: 2 gold pieces (gp); 39 silver pieces (sp)

BACKSTORY: Born in Sablos but raised on a farm by her father on a remote island of the Ketten Islands, Leeol was a regular farm girl until the age of ten, when she chanced to see a monk from the Temple of the Crashing Wave single-handedly beat up four bandits who were raiding the outlying farms. From that moment she knew that she wanted to dedicate her life to martial arts, and one day be as great a fighter as Brother Kupus. Her father was adamantly against it, not least because he needed her to work on the farm and not run away to a monastery, but after two years of begging, the gentle persuasion of Kupus the Monk, and her father finding a new wife, he permitted her to travel to the far side of the island and enter the monastery.

Kupus saw her dedication and talent, and personally trained her in the Art of the Crashing Wave, and she learned the common arts and sciences, plus obscure history and philosophy, from the other monks of the order. She endured these studies to get to the hand-to-hand combat, which was a consuming passion. By her adulthood ceremony, she was better than all the other apprentices and could hold her own with a few of the Brothers and Sisters. Once she passed the final tests, she was awarded her red sash, signifying mastery of the fundamentals of her art.

Now a full, if junior, Sister, she has to embark upon the traditional Wander Years, the period when a monk travels the world gaining knowledge and doing good works. Leeol is fine with all that, but also intends to prove herself the greatest fighter in the world, one day. She is a tall, muscular, tanned woman wearing simple white cotton trousers and tunic with her sash around her waste. Her blonde hair is long and pony-tailed, her eyes blue.

Quote: "I am the most complete fighter in the world."