History of the Ketten Islands

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The earliest known inhabitants of what is now called the Ketten Islands were the lizardfolk Horde, who thrived about 10,000 years ago. Their power was eventually broken by the Fahradeen Empire, which drove the remnants off the Islands and permitted dwarf clans to move into the Islands and found client states. Warlords ruled from strongholds during a very long era, surviving even the Demonic Interregnum.

Eventually these all fell, for various reasons, and the Islands sat nearly empty for over 1000 years, with scattered Dwarven settlements the only inhabitants. Then, about 1000 years ago, a group human of ocean-going nomads called the Kettari, distantly descended from the Fahradeen, came to the Islands. Claiming the gods wanted them to settle down, and had given them these islands for that purpose, they warred with the dwarves, killing or driving them out.

The Kettari tore down their ships and built their first town, called Sabli after their leader, where Sablos is today. They spread out over the Islands and flourished in that lush environment, becoming farmers, loggers, and miners in time, while still fishing the seas. Different islands have rise to different clans, which for centuries battled for supremacy.

Finally, about 600 years ago, one clan leader, Viros Nann, became powerful enough to unite them all under his leadership. A visionary, he proclaimed that the Islands were a nation and founded its monarchy, naming himself Sotirios I and drafting the King's Code of Laws. Within a decade, and due to the military and economic power of its fleets, most other nations had recognized the new country's existence. Ketten Islands has thrived since, despite succession struggles and and enduring problem with piracy.