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The goddess of peace, healing, and beginnings manifests in various forms in the dreams and visions of mortal creatures: a young, very pretty, smiling girl of the viewer's race, wearing pure white robes and bearing a branch of berries, a large white bird in flight, the sound of children laughing, or the dawn breaking on a new day.

The Gentle Girl is rest, forgiveness, succor, compassion and empathy, mercy, the recovery from disease or loss, sobering up or beating an addiction, memory, the morning, talking through differences, doing the right thing despite hardship or temptation, negotiation, diplomacy, helping others, giving to the poor, hope, listening, making wise decisions and starting a new job, a new relationship, or a new life. She blesses the peacemakers, those who tend the sick, and anyone beginning something new or recovering from a bad situation. She is worshiped by leaders, diplomats, healers, and the downtrodden.

Her priests are called Life Brothers/Sisters, her clerics are called Negotiators, and her paladins called Peacemakers. Her favored beer is hefeweizen. She resides on Elysium in a domain called The Bower.