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Humanoid race with the lower bodies and legs of dogs or wolves and the upper bodies of human. They stand upright, live in tribes, and favor cold climates.

Adlet PCs:

Ability Score Increase: Adlet are swift and agile, as well as very alert. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age: Adlet reach adulthood by 7, and live to 50 years on average.

Alignment: Adlet value the group and its survival above all, inclining towards Neutrality. Those who leave the tribe to become adventurers have a Chaotic streak.

Size: Adlet stand on average between 5 and 6 feet tall, weighing between 120 and 200 lbs. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Adlet are swift runners, with a speed of 40 ft.

Darkvision: Adlet have Darkvision out to 60 ft.

Sharp Senses: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing and smell.

Quick Reactions: Because of your heightened alertness, you are your Proficiency Bonus to Initiative rolls.

Languages: You speak and understand Common Tongue and Adlet.

Names: Adlet have two names, one given by their parents at birth and one chosen at maturity, and are usually addressed by both. Male examples: Jannik Anderle, Drino Habicht, Macher Stenzel, Apel Eicke, Per Froese, Ochs Hannel. Female examples: Frey Relich, Svea Dalgue, Cily Selig, Uisa Shey, Ascha Blui, Osi Riendl, Itli Huus, Ariz Flesc.