Race of small, rat-like humanoids who dwell in the Underdark and are best known for raiding on and warring against Qruk. Organized into loosely-cooperating bands, the most influential leader among them is Scig the Skinpeeler. Some ratfolk dislike such a mean and squalid existence, however, and set out to explore the world above. They have rat-like heads with prominent teeth, gray or brown fur, and black eyes.
Ratfolk PCs:
Ability Score Increase: Ratfolk are nimble and have strong personalities. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age: Ratfolk reach adulthood by 5, and, if not killed by disease or violence, live more than 50 years.
Alignment: Many Ratfolk incline towards evil and chaos, hating order and caring only for themselves. Those who venture into the world beyond their warrens, however, often take a neutral and even lawful outlook.
Size: Ratfolk are short and lean towards pudginess, standing between 3 and 3 1/2 ft. tall and weighing around 60 lbs. Your size is Small.
Speed: Ratfolk have a speed of 25 ft.
Advanced Darkvision: Due to your life in the underdark, you have Darkvision out to 120 ft.
Keen Smell: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Pack Tactics: You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and your ally is not incapacitated.
Languages: You speak and understand Common Tongue and Ratfolk.
Names: Ratfolk generally have two names, a given and a nickname describing their deeds, joined by "the." Male: Sval, Thiv, Kober, Miess, Wickl, Herk, Twerb, Yertou, Rurt, Piek, Vorl, Zram. Female: Alik, Bool, Ceet, Ellu, Geel, Helu, Jeru, Nii, Pesa, Qirl, Sust, Urel, Ween. Nicknames: Ripper, Taker, Backstabber, Finder, Wanderer, Breaker, Poisoner, Cook, Outcast.