

Kitsune samurai from Hantori, the City of Celestial Smiths.

So Kaneatsu is the oldest of 3 siblings, he has two sisters and one brother. The brother is the second youngest. Kaneatsu took up the trade since his family is a family of blacksmiths who run essentially a company. He learned fishing (sailing) as a hobby with his father, although his family is not in line to be a lord they are well respected and very wealthy. They almost run the town that they live in. Since it is similar to feudal japan, almost all males carry swords and are trained in the art. (Kaneatsu will want to challenge a few to a proper duel). Also since it is feudal japan like the armies are drafted from the males hence why they are all trained. Since Kaneatsu also has a blessed blade of the atomic dragon he will be revered as a very honorable warrior (although he has lost a bit of himself since meeting the party). Kaneatsu will need to find who kidnapped him, and he will have his vengeance (it will be bloody).

His town is fairly large due to the blacksmith heavy nature of the city. There is almost no crime, since everyone can defend themselves, BUT there is duels constantly to deal with disagreements. Kaneatsu does have a few friends his age but they stayed more the blacksmith route rather than fighting.

Kaneatsu's return will probably cause for a city wide celebration mostly hosted by the lord and Kaneatsu's family. Everyone in the party will be welcomed with open arms even if they are foreigners since they are friends of Kaneatsu. Although there will be lots of questions, and lots of sake.

Most of the populous has some form of low level magic, mainly the ability to conjure fire (cantrip). Although for most it is too weak to use in proper combat, aka cant throw it. Most fire they produce is red, legends speak of kitsune that can conjure other colors. Kaneatsu has blue, the lord of the city can make white. Since silver is scarce, most currency is handled in the form of copper and gold, but since living is so easy here and most people are honorable and kind, people don't have or need large amounts of money. So the party will be loaded, most likely having more wealth than some noble families. It is possible that the party.

Also the proper terms are daimyo, and shogun. There is an emperor in power, and he is SUPER respected as the sole authority. The main central city, is a massive expansive of land although not nearly as sprawling as cities we are used too. To be brought in front of the emperor is one of the largest honors one can receive, and a family can gain just a status from that alone. Kaneatsu's family is well known enough by the emperor since his family make a majority of the weapons for the people and the military. (It is rumored that the emperor carries a legendary blade crafted by Kaneatsu's grandfather.)

There is a small standing military, being made up of the younger crowd undergoing training. Since the army is made up so heavily of people who have training, the average line soldier is much more efficient in combat, (BUT) they lack the heavy armor of other armies, mostly using more medium and light armor. The only ones to wear heavy armor are usually samurai. There armies are mush more mobile, and do employ horses.

Kaneatsu does not know who kidnapped him, but the only why could be jealousy of the money or skill. It would be unlikely to be a rival company since most companies work together , helping each other to make better weapons. If anything this may have a plot that goes a bit deeper and might even tie into the groups goals, possibly including one of the scrolls mix needs think you said before that this is an ideal civilization.

Also, wizards are RARE there is only a few proper ones that exists. They work for the people as a form of healers, and to assist the shogun in times of need.

The dragons also hold the final authority, to even speak to one is a chance in a lifetime, since Kaneatsu was blessed by a blade from one, and has had one go look for him it shows great honor among his family. The dragons usually keep to themselves, and just defend the island. They are ferocious, Powerful, and infinitely wise. They do not care about this other faction that is bringing in dragons, And i would assume that they have killed quite a few dragons that have come too close to the island.