Money on Jesenreth

Most political units on Jesenreth, be they a nation, city state, or confederation, mint their own coins in the three common precious metals, copper, silver, and gold, and stamp them with their name, the year of minting, and an image of the current ruler. This currency is issued primarily for use within that unit's borders, but most coins from established polities are accepted in most civilized places, though not always at face value. Accepted nearly universally is the Syndecol Industries paper credit, whose supply and value is tightly controlled, but is normally equal to one silver piece.

The Ploi Drajit/Confederation of Uth gold coin is the round, quarter inch in diameter bit, which is worth 10 silver tabs, and 100 copper pips. One of the newer coins in circulation, it has nonetheless become the international standard in weight and purity, and is accepted almost as widely as the credit.

The next major common currency is the cubical Ufrealor krom, slightly smaller but purer than the bit. A krom is worth 10 silver quors and 100 copper kads. Ufrealoran dwarves also make gold trade bars, much used by merchants, in denominations of 10, 100, and 1000 krom. In older times, they had two other kinds of coin, the electrum dildor, worth 2 krom, and the platinum prad, worth 10 krom. Adventurers occasionally find such old coins in long-lost hordes.

The other dwarven states have coins which are equivalent in shape and values but differ in name.

All of the elven states use the same currency, the slender, curved gold lune, which is worth 10 silver las and 100 copper lims. Elves also conduct trade with gems of several varieties and standardized weights. An emerald allune, for example, is worth 100 lune.

The Ketten Islands use the square, 1 1/2 inch gold sterl, worth 10 copper shils and 100 copper pecs. They have also pioneered the use of promissory notes and have the most advanced banking system, besides that of the Syndecs.

The Genasi and Aasimar Confederation uses the flat, rectangular gold sial, worth 10 silver vibeks and 100 copper dromps.

The other states, when they use money, usually adopt one of the above or a combination thereof. Gnolls do not value coins.