
Unbeknownst to the humanoids of South Metal Recycling, the monster that had taken up residence was an Aluminum dragon named Recyclus. The distant cousin of the Iron and Copper dragons, Aluminum dragons are know for throwing lavish parties, where food is abundant and the ale flows like the rivers during monsoon season. Everyone in town is invited, with one caveat: you must have fun. Their fun, happy go lucky nature made them the favourite of all dragons. The Aluminums knew how to tell a good story, weaving fantastical dreams and pulling your heart strings. People would leave a party having experienced a life time of adventuring from the edge of their seats. It could be addictive. If one turned up to your party, you knew it was going to be a night to remember.

Recyclus, from a young age, was a grumpy wyrmling. He believed that all that fun happy time was just not healthy. His parents just did not understand where this grumpiness came from. They blame that one cold night when his egg rolled out of the nest and ended up laying in the cold creek, that ran through their lair, all night. Recyclus, of course, thought that was just ridiculous. He was just a realist. When, he came of age and ready to leave home, his parents threw the biggest party of the realm and everyone was invited. Recyclus, as was his way, made the shortest speach at the party, "Thank you for coming. Good bye." and left to find his new home.

He set out into the world, letting the winds take him where they may. One clear moonlit night, he came upon the fields of metal mountains that is South Metal Recycling. He found the biggest mound in section 24 at the very back of the plant's vast facility and took up residence. Every once in a while a worker would traverse into his lair. He set traps like one would for mice, but humane traps. He was a true believer in catch and release. Once caught, he would take his trap and fly it away from his lair to release the captured. How far he flew depended on how far he felt like flying that night. Some ended up outside of town, others across the seas. Recyclus thought this humourus, not so much his victims.

One day, a worker had lunch one section over from Recyclus' lair. After finishing his sandwich, the worker crumpled the foil wrapper in his hand, as he got up to leave he turned to section 24, having heard the stories of the plant's resident monster, looked over contemplatively and threw the foil into it and headed back to the plant. Recyclus had been keeping watch on the almost unwelcomed intruder and saw the glint of something shiny being thrown into his territory. After the human had disappeared over the steely mounds, he went out to see what the object was. Foil. Aluminum foil. So shiny, so malleable. So versatile. It pleased him. The contrast to all the rigidity and roughness that he surrounded himself with. He decided that this must have been an offering to him and in return he will gift this person a gift worthy of this offering, a silver piece.

Hence forth, the foil offering to the monster of section 24 became known, but never set foot inside for you may never come back.