The Autumn Moon

The Autumn Moon, owned by Falben Farwalker, is the primary means of transportation for Heroes of the Realm. Destroyed in the final battle vs. Lord Xy the World Breaker, but re-created with the Fates Card.

Speed 60ft (5.5mph)
Ascend/Descend: 50ft
Cargo Capacity: 12.5 tons (25,000lbs)
AC: 15 (Hull); 13 (Gas Bag)
Length: 65ft
Width: 20ft
4 decks
Lift Type: Magical levitation gas in gas bag. Altitude is determined by amount of gas in bag. When not in use, gas is stored in canisters on main deck. Gas volume in bag is controlled by valves.

Note: Once the bag is reduced to 0hp, the ship will begin to descend.Slowly at first, then increasingly rapidly, until you are plummeting. Leakage can be stopped temporarily by the Mending cantrip, or by a bag repair kit (one was thrown in for free).

Maximum Altitude: 30,000ft
HP (hull): 300
HP (Gas Bag): 100
Damage Threshold: 10
Crew: 6 (Recommended), 3 (Minimum)
Cabins: 1 Captains's, 3 Small, 2 Medium
Weapons: 2x Light Ballista (Martial Ranged Weapons, 100lbs, mounted on a swivel that can turn 360 degrees and point up to 45 degrees up or down. Range: 100/400ft. Damage: 3d10 Piercing)
Weapons: 1x Medium Catapult (Martial Ranged Weapon, 400lbs, mounted on a platform that can turn in any direction except backwards, comes with ten 20lb iron balls. Min Range: 60ft. Max Range: 300/600ft. Damage: 4d12 Bludgeoning)
Autmn Moon 01.png
Autumn Moon 02.png