The Petulant Sorceress

Cosmeston Medieval Village (4721).jpg

The Petulant Sorceress, known as “Petty” to its regulars, is a middle class tavern located in a two-story timber and stone building two streets west of Bronztmar Market Square in the Herbalist Road. The tavern keeper is a Halfling man named Gorbo Lickkettle and his large family, including wife Luzy and sons Wilpher, Ergin, and Corrick (and their wives and kids). Petty is mainly a tavern, but does have a couple of extra rooms upstairs for let occasionally, when they are not in use by Lickkettle’s family or visiting relatives or friends. The tavern gets its name, supposedly, from its first customer just after it opened 40 years ago, a sorceress who nearly wrecked the place in a bad temper after her soup was cold. Most regulars assume the famously tall-tale-telling Gorbo made that up, but he insists it’s true, and Luzy ain’t saying nothing.

The tavern consists of its large main room, with 10 tables in the center, and five booths on the north wall. There is also a bar that seats 12. Behind the bar is the office, kitchen, pantry and storeroom, underground is a cellar. The family works the bar, serves tables, cleans, and cooks, and there is one “minder,” effectively the bouncer/security, an ageing male Dwarf named Durk Copperbelly, who is paid mainly in beer and claims to be a retired adventurer. He certainly has a battered battle-axe, though it’s rarely seen. Things are usually chill down at Petty. Petty serves Oakbeard ales and lagers exclusively.

Selected Menu Items

  • Spicy Ox Tail with seasonal vegetables, 3 sp.
  • Boiled Eggs and Dried Artichoke, 1 sp, 5 cp.
  • Salted Grouse and Parsnip, 4 sp.
  • Carrot Stew, hunk of dark bread, 1 sp.
  • Boiled Pork and Blue Cheese, 2 sp.

Some Regulars (besides the PCs):

Jella Goodbarrel: Female Halfling. Jella is tall and thin for a Halfling, with uneven black hair and green eyes. She wears modest garments and a wide-brimmed hat. Jella is searching for her missing daughter.

Marlnae Ironsmith: Female Dwarf. Marlnae has red hair and green eyes, and broken teeth. She wears modest garments and a silver holy symbol depicting a hammer. Word is she’s a defrocked cleric, but she gets angry when you bring it up.

Alfrenaia Wintersun: Female Elf. Alfrenaia has long white hair and hazel eyes. She wears modest garments and a white cloak. She believes elemental beings are after her.

Bergan Solomar: Male Human. Bergan has blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. He wears expensive clothing and a sling of vials and potions. He speaks Common with an accent no one can place, though he claims to be from Telleconia.

“Kigs”: Male Black Dragonborn. An infamous drunkard, though he claims to know the location of a fabulous treasure, which he will tell you about if you only buy him one more Oakbeard’s.