Urzire Malech

Male Tiefling cleric of Devet and High Priest of the Cathedral of Devet. Originally a follower of Hephemia, he converted after losing his family to disease and concluding that all her promises were lies. He decided he might as well worship the god of lies, if lies were all there were. He joined a Devite cult in his native Ploi Drajit, took it over, then deceived and killed all of his fellow cultists.

This action brought great favor and power from his god, who used him to sow deceit and confusion across the globe until he wound up in Chumash and schemed and manipulated his way to the High Priesthood. Wanted for crimes in many places, he never leaves Chumash, but works diligently to train tricksters and liars to further his work.

Malech is black-skinned, with white eyes and short silver hair, wearing platinum robes.