
Whalemen, also known as the Wable, are a humanoid cetacean race native to the deep ocean of Jesenreth (Planet). Primitive in technology and social structure, they are nonetheless usually peaceful, swimming the ocean in large clans.

Wable PCs:

Ability Score Increase: Wable are powerful and tough. Your Strength score increases by 2, your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age: Wable reach adulthood by 10, and live 60 years on average.

Alignment: Wable cherish freedom above all else, inclining towards Chaos, but are not evil, with most being Chaotic Neutral and some Chaotic Good.

Size: Wable are large and muscular, with the shortest being over 6 ft. and the tallest approaching 9 ft, and weighing between 400 and 600 lbs. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Wable have a speed of 30 ft. and a swim speed of 40 ft. They can also breath in air and in water.

Darkvision: Wable have Darkvision out to 60 ft.

Blubber: Because of the thick layer of this tissue under your skin, you have resistance to Cold damage.

Languages: You speak and understand Common Tongue and Wable.

Names: Wable have two names, a personal and a clan name. Male names: Koga, Teika, Kodama, Imada, Kon, Jimzada, Sugita, Zuzmada. Female names: Amai, Zakai, Tani, Ohori, Doi, Yasui, Azami, Chiumi, Jori. Clan names: Kunie, Tomoe, Dokite, Kiyoe, Hasae, Takgae, Mitsue, Kaname, Sakae.