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'''BACKSTORY:''' Vargach, son of Sjat, had a typical upbringing for a lizardfolk barbarian of [[Sarborea]]: born  in a hut along the river as a member of the [[Syjollo]] tribe, he was the son of a warrior and became a warrior himself. His formative years were all training to fight and fighting, along with survival in the brutal jungle. His tribe and their allied tribes warred unceasingly with the [[Black Fangs]] of [[Thulok Karn]], and Vargach loved it.   
'''BACKSTORY:''' Vargach, son of Sjat, had a typical upbringing for a lizardfolk barbarian of [[Sarborea]]: born  in a hut along the river as a member of the [[Syjollo]] tribe, he was the son of a warrior and became a warrior himself. His formative years were all training to fight and fighting, along with survival in the brutal jungle. His tribe and their allied tribes warred unceasingly with [[The Black Fangs]] of [[Thulok Karn]], and Vargach loved it.   
Then something unusual happened which altered his destiny forever: in the middle of a battle, the god [[Matemator]] appeared to him in a vision, telling him that he must leave the jungle and wander the world, as he was destined for greater battles than these. Stunned by this, Vargach was almost killed by an kobold as he stood there not defending himself. He was saved by his father, who after the battle listened to Vargach's tale of his vision and insisted that he must follow the god's word. Vargach did not wish to leave his life in the jungle, but the rest of the tribe agreed with his father.  
Then something unusual happened which altered his destiny forever: in the middle of a battle, the god [[Matemator]] appeared to him in a vision, telling him that he must leave the jungle and wander the world, as he was destined for greater battles than these. Stunned by this, Vargach was almost killed by an kobold as he stood there not defending himself. He was saved by his father, who after the battle listened to Vargach's tale of his vision and insisted that he must follow the god's word. Vargach did not wish to leave his life in the jungle, but the rest of the tribe agreed with his father.  

Latest revision as of 23:25, 21 January 2020

🚧This article needs work. This is a note to remind Falben to work on it.🚧

Class: __Barbarian__ 1 Race: __Lizardfolk __ Background: __Outlander __ Gender: __Male__

Alignment: __True Neutral__

STR: __15 (+2)__ DEX: __13 (+1)__ CON: __16 (+3)__ INT: __8 (-1)__ WIS: __13 (+1)__ CHA: __10 (+0)__

ARMOR CLASS: __14 (unarmored defense)__ Initiative: __+1__ Speed: __30ft.__ Proficiency Bonus: __+2__

Hit Points: __15__

Weapon and Unarmed Attacks

Basic Attack. One target per Attack action.\\ Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d12+2(+2) slashing damage. (Must be used two-handed.)\\ Handaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+2(+2) slashing damage. (If thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)\\ Javelin. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+2(+2) piercing damage. (If thrown, normal range to 30 ft.; disadvantage long range 31 to 120 ft.)\\

Special Attacks

Rage. Lasts 1 minute (10 rounds), or until unconscious, haven't attacked or been hit.\\

Saving Throws

+4 Strength Saves *\\ +1 Dexterity Saves
+5 Constitution Saves *\\ -1 Intelligence Saves
+1 Wisdom Saves\\ +0 Charisma Saves\\

  • Prof. bonus added\\


+1 Acrobatics (Dex)\\ +3 Animal Handling (Wis) *\\ -1 Arcana (Int)\\ +4 Athletics (Str) *\\ +0 Deception (Cha)\\ -1 History (Int)\\ +1 Insight (Wis)\\ +0 Intimidation (Cha)\\ -1 Investigation (Int)\\ +1 Medicine (Wis)\\ +1 Nature (Int) *\\ +3 Perception (Wis) *\\ +0 Performance (Cha)\\ +0 Persuasion (Cha)\\ -1 Religion (Int)\\ +1 Sleight of Hand (Dex)\\ +1 Stealth (Dex)\\ +3 Survival (Wis) *\\

  • Prof. bonus added\\

Lizardfolk Traits

Age: 19-years-old\\ Medium Size: 6' 6", 267 lbs.\\ Swim: 30 ft. swimming speed\\ Bite: Unarmed strike does 1d6+2 piercing damage\\ Cunning Artisan: Use creature remains during short rest to craft simple shield, club, javelin, darts, needles\\ Hold Breath: Up to 15 minutes\\ Hungry Jaws: Bonus action to gain 3 temporary h.p. from hit with bite attack once between short rests\\ Natural Armor: Minimum AC 13 + Dex modifier\\

Class Features

Rage: 2/day\\ Unarmored Defense: AC\\

Rage Effects

Advantage on STR checks and saves\\ +2 bonus on STR-based melee damage\\ Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage\\

Background Features


Proficiencies and Languages

Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields\\ Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons\\ Tools: one type of musical instrument (singing)\\ Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution\\ Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Nature, Perception, Survival\\ Languages: Common, Giant, Lizardfolk\\

Equipment and Treasure:

Carried Gear: greataxe, two (2) handaxes, five (5) javelins, explorer's pack (includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it), belt pouch, set of traveler's clothes, hunting trap, a staff, a trophy: the dried head of the kobold who almost killed him\\ Lifting and Carrying: 225 lbs. max. carrying capacity; 450 lbs. pushing or dragging (speed -5 ft.); 450 lbs. max. lift.\\ Coins & Gems: 5 gold pieces (gp); 4 gems (worth 10 gp each)

BACKSTORY: Vargach, son of Sjat, had a typical upbringing for a lizardfolk barbarian of Sarborea: born in a hut along the river as a member of the Syjollo tribe, he was the son of a warrior and became a warrior himself. His formative years were all training to fight and fighting, along with survival in the brutal jungle. His tribe and their allied tribes warred unceasingly with The Black Fangs of Thulok Karn, and Vargach loved it.

Then something unusual happened which altered his destiny forever: in the middle of a battle, the god Matemator appeared to him in a vision, telling him that he must leave the jungle and wander the world, as he was destined for greater battles than these. Stunned by this, Vargach was almost killed by an kobold as he stood there not defending himself. He was saved by his father, who after the battle listened to Vargach's tale of his vision and insisted that he must follow the god's word. Vargach did not wish to leave his life in the jungle, but the rest of the tribe agreed with his father.

So Vargach, a hulking green-scaled, dark-eyed warrior wearing only a loinwrap and a belt, packed his meager belongings, hefted his greataxe, and left to cross the Mountains of the Claw, headed for Chumash and his destiny....

Quote: "If you want blood, you've got it."