Heart of Platinum

A spelljamming ship that plys mainly the Jesenreth (Crystal Sphere), trading in small, luxury goods, mail, and occasionally passengers between its worlds, with the House of Stars and Dref Dral being common stops on Jesenreth. Other common stops in the sphere include Miracle City on Aflos, Houlerc on Fythia, Razarka on Cuam-ran-jebos, Alliai on Loreelei, Pessoa on Ottrude, and Eberhild. Occasionally the ship travels as far as Oerth.

The Heart is an older but well-maintained Tradesman that resembles a flying fish, and is owned and captained by Xaphod Bennelbrox. Its First Mate is Kerga One-Eye. Its helmsman is Ortus Ballock. There are eight other crew, who serve as the cook/quartermaster, gunners, and cargo handlers. They are Avay Warrun, Dratvisk Hegoki, Ellandor Ballynn, Sruikt Clurbagz, Zoh Thruz, Tugnut Alefoot, Mramis Crackelar, Boxue Hei An.

Unlike most Tradesmen, the Heart has been reinforced to be able to land on land and water, and is rumored to have defenses that only the Captain and First Mate know about (but which the Captain has probably forgot).

The Heart of Platinum