Aluminum Dragon

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Aluminum Dragon
Aluminum dragon.png

Large Aluminum Dragon, Lawful Good

Challenge Rating: 16
Armor Class: 19 (Natural Armor
Hit Points: 227 (17d12+115)
Speed: 40 ft., fly 80 ft.

26 (+8) 10 (+0) 24 (+7)
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+4)

The Aluminum dragon emerged from the oldest and deepest part of the universe. The first egg formed amidst the chaos of the birth and death of stars, absorbing the sprays of aluminum cast into space by the collision of debris. One small silvery egg suspended in space begin to form cracks and shimmer. Just as the chaos around it, the first aluminum dragon burst out of her shell, unfurling her wings and letting out her first roar. Her name is Allumia, first of her kind, queen and mother of the Aluminum.

Driven by her will and instinct, she traverses the universe searching for aluminum that has been cast out into the void. With her magic she creates her first aluminum eggs and breath life into her children. Allumia and her children have made a large asteroid at the edge of creation their home. Over time, Allumia’s domain grows to all reaches of space with colonies forming on asteroids and scouts searching for more aluminum.

Aluminum dragons on Alech’nor

A scouting group of 15 were mining aluminum from a meteor when it was knocked out of its path and crashed onto Alech’nor. Being unable to escape the planet’s gravity, the first colony of aluminum dragons on Alech’nor was formed. As they are a shy species, they have mostly kept to themselves and have manage to stay undetected for many generations. Although over time their curiosity has gotten the better of them and have been known to visit nearby villages to see the inhabitants. Some villages have claimed that sometimes certain tasks or repairs have been magically completed, at the same time small metallic objects and trinkets have gone missing. These villagers think that they are being visited by forest pixies or sprites and have created a ritual of leaving out gifts if they need help. Recyculus’s time is much a couple generations in the future when aluminum dragons are discovered and become part of the dragon consortium.


Very sleek dragons with four wings. Similar in shape to the Asiatic dragons. Their faces are similar in feature to seahorses and their body that of a lizard/snake. As they age, their eyes gloss over until their pupils are undefined. Young dragons start out almost white and darken through age to hues of silver with tints of color ranging from reds to blues. With their ability to condense and become small, they can and have been mistaken for pixies and fairies.

Saving Throws

Dexterity: +5
Constitution: +12
Wisdom: +6
Charisma: +9


Insight: +7 Perception: +12 Stealth: +5