Heroes of the Realm Campaign

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Chapter 0

As of tonight's adventure, our heroes have become a loose group: Falben Farwalker is their cranky "leader", looking to make money and wondering how he has become saddled with all these young weirdos, Mix tagging along because they are SO shiny and INTERESTING, Cura hoping to learn the Way of the Merchant from Falben, Kaneatusu seeking knowledge and to further his honor, and ReCall seeking Something, he knows not what. They ride/walk in the mule-drawn cart westward, towards, ultimately, the great metropolis of Telleconia, City of Eternity. Will fate get in their way? Find out next time!

Chapter 1: Into the Dragon's Lair

Our heroes, traveling from Yerdly to Telleconia, each with his or her own purposes, are near to Quayda when they are stopped near a small farmhouse due to a troubling sight: kobolds menacing a human family. The party obliterates the kobold raiders, earning the gratitude of the simple farmfolk, who take them to the nearby village of Chedlow, where they are charged by the mayor with hunting down and eliminating the rest of the kobolds, who have been raiding nearby villages for weeks. The party finds their strange lair, obviously not built by kobolds, with the dragon art on all the walls. Slaying most of the kobold warriors, the PCs negotiate with the rest, getting them to leave the underground complex in exchange for the treasure in the deepest room and one of Kaneatsu's swords. The kobolds leave, thinking they have gotten the better of the party, while the party finds much treasure, AND a strange human man in a stone sarcophagus, due to Mix's curiosity. The man, when awakened, seems to have total amnesia. He accompanies the party back to Chedlow, where they are celebrated as heroes and given the rest of their fee. During the party thrown in their honor, the man slips away. The party shrugs: he was an odd one. The discover that the map they found leads to, possibly, an old crypt of a powerful person not far from here. Or maybe it's just more wilderness. Who knows? You will, next Friday at 6!

ELSEWHERE: The remnants of the Jagged Tooth clan of kobolds are crossing the mighty River Meroshavain on three hastily constructed rafts. Their leader, King Zerk the Devious, is waving about the black magical sword he conned away from the stupid human in exchange for an musty old layer and a pitiful treasure, and he's telling the story of how he did it for the tenth time. Suddenly, the sword disappears from his grasp. It's gone, mid-wave. He's dumbfounded. The other kobolds look at him, slowly realizing exactly who was swindled...

Chapter 2: The Wages of Sin

Taking their leave of the good village of Chedlow, our heroes make their way northwest to the grand metropolis of Telleconia… with a short detour to check out the “crypt” indicated on the map they found. Finding the entrance to the crypt in an illusory bush, the PCs explore it's snaking, labyrinthine corridors, dealing with traps, strange summoning runes, a Minotaur, and an intense battle with a group of orcs, who were seemingly exploring the dungeon from underground tunnels. Killing all of the orcs, the party loots their camps and continues, finding strange rooms, including what seems to be the actual burial chamber of Arzdunn the Marvelous/Mad. They rob the ancient king's bones, and find his, or somebody's secret treasure stash. They rest before exploring the rest of the dungeon.