Dref Dral

Human city state on the northern edge of the Rennegar Plateau, on cliffs overlooking the Strait of Dakaine, on Marbindor. A walled city of 80,000, Dref Dral is known for its immensely tall, thin spires which dock Spelljamming ships, more than any other city of the big islands. For many Spelljammers, Dref Dral is all they see of the surface close up, and thus it caters to their wants and needs, tourism and off-world trade being the major industries. Places to shop in the city include Audreyn's Magica, Nuldezar's Worlds of Pleasure, [[ ]], and [[ ]].

Interesting locations in Dref Dral include The Neogi's Grin, Hallevalnar Intersphere Shipping and Transport, Driskol's Discount Ship Emporium, the Temple of All Worlds, The Asteroid Inn, and Jesenreth Adventures. Hespera Malkar formerly lived in Dref Dral, and Obar Truul has his textile business here.

Essentially a spaceport, the city is very wealthy, very busy, and never sleeps. It is ruled by an Administrator, who is currently human Gord Rougis, originally a thief from Oerth who settled on Jesenreth 20 years ago.