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Jesenreth (Planet)

For other uses, see jesenreth_disambiguation

Jesenreth (Old Tongue, “Mother of Sorrow”) is a terrestrial planet, third of eleven in the jesenreth_crystal_sphere, of which it is the most inhabited. Its sun, which all system bodies orbit, is quata. The other bodies in the system, in order from the primary, are aflos, groajan, bekel, fythia, cuam-ran-jebos, loreelei, ottrude, eberhild, margor, and emmith.

Jesenreth has an equatorial circumference of 25,106 miles, an orbital period of 360 days, and a mean surface temperature of 60.1 Fahrenheit, making it slightly larger, warmer, and closer to its sun than Earth. Its surface area is 80.1% water and 19.9 % land. Jesenreth has no continent-sized land masses, being a planet of islands, a few large ones and many thousands of small ones. Four of these islands are actually akupara, colossal, sapient, and extremely old tortoises which carry civilizations on their backs as they slowly cross the oceans. The planet has one moon, iredol.

Jesenreth is a very old planet, older than the oldest records of civilized peoples, which go back 35,000 years. Since the Twelve Gods created the world, land masses have shifted, seas have risen and fallen, and dozens of civilizations have risen and fell. The estimated current population of civilized beings is 40,000,000. The most common races are, in order of most populous to least, Tortles, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Genasi, Tieflings, Aasimar, Gnolls, Yuan-ti, Lizardfolk, and Kobolds. Others are present, but in small numbers, mostly those who have arrived on spelljamming ships and stayed, or descendants of the same.

The largest land masses, in size from greatest to least are itrefaulk, marbindor, jeshos, sarborea, nurdug, skusk, ketten_islands, yar_kanti_islands, akupara_sidol, akupara_maeus, akupara_freenma, and akupara_luos. The far north is covered by an ice cap called the_frozen_sea, and the far southern ocean is called the_boiling_sea, because it literally is. There is also the_sunken_land, an island that sunk just about 40 ft. straight down in an unknown magical calamity, leaving many of its buildings sticking out of the water and many other places buried but not far down. Three cities stick up above the sea, havens for pirates and scavengers.

The most commonly used current dating system on Jesenreth is that developed by the sages of the citadel_of_high_magic on itrefaulk, called new_citadel_year, or NCY or just CY, and counts from the refounding of the Citadel after its destruction by the_lich_queen_faerlak. By this system, the current year is 1116 CY. Years before 1 CY are called BCY, or Before Citadel Year (the destruction of the Old Citadel happened in 10 BCY). The syndecolites of iredol use a different system, counting from the founding of their company-nation, and call the current year 571 SIY (syndecol_industries_year).

In the CY system, years (of 360 days, which are 24 hours long) are divided into 10 months of 36 days each, and each month is divided into 4 weeks of 9 days each. The names of each month, from the beginning of the year to the end, are Alon, Mek, Proh, Habir, Nact, Waneel, Proka, Sevnir, Aug, and Neem. The 9 days of the week are Von, Du, Ned, Thu, Frid, Sant, Suun, Heet, and Hoba. Thus, the first day of the year is Von, Alon 1, 1116 CY.

The most-spoken language on Jesenreth is called common_tongue_jesenreth or Trade Speech, being an amalgam of the principal dialects of the main languages of the four major races, Tortles, Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. It is written using the purinym_script, similar to the Earth Hebrew alphabet. Almost every sapient being on the planet can at least understand Common. Every civilized race also has its own languages, and the mostly human Syndecolites have their own language, syndeca, written in syndecal_script, the use of which is copywritten.

Major nations and political powers of Jesenreth are: Akupara Sidol, Akupara Maeus, Akupara Freenma, and Akupara Luos, Tortle nations;dnalor, Elven nation, weshea and lutran, Elven city states; ufrealor, Dwarven nation, thoiles, greta, and gretell, Dwarven strongholds; The confederation_of_uth, Human nation, ploi_drajit, dref_dral, Human city states, ketten_islands (capital sablos), Human nation; preum_shea, pleus_scon, daflos, genasi_and_aasimar_confederation city states on Jeshos; groshk, Tiefling city state on Nurdug, fraib_smaria, Tiefling nation; zaar, Gnoll dominion on Skusk; yar_kanti_islands, Yuan-ti nation (capital sslak); Lizardfolk and Kobolds have large tribes on Sarborea; the dominion_of_thulok_karn in the mountains_of_the_lash on Sarborea, Syndecol Industries on the moon Iredol, the citadel_of_high_magic in the mountains_of_sajin on Itrefaulk.

For other Jesenret-related topics, Money on Jesenreth, Cultures on Jesenreth, History of Jesenreth, Magic on Jesenreth, and Monsters of Jesenreth.

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