
An independent farm and market town on the eastern plains of Marbindor, on the Five Stones Road between Thoiles and Dref Dral, of about 3000 inhabitants and about four miles from the coast. On the coast, at the end of the Ocean Road, is a village called Glensvest, whose docks supply the town. Glensjust is the largest town on the eastern plains. South of the town is the Woods of Zond, and beyond them the Kerang Hills. Glensjust lies within the area claimed by the Circle of The Coast. In 1124 the town was destroyed and abandoned in the return of the dragons, but rebuilt beginning in the next year.

The town is surrounded by farms and has a 15 ft. wall which has three gates. The mayor of Glensjust is Enisnel Hakul. The Glensjust Town Guard has twenty members, lead by Eidrac Arnes, with Merla Kelv as his second in command. The Guard operates out of the Glensjust Guard Fortress, which is south of the commons. The town has no militia but can arm citizens in times of need.

The Mice live on the streets of Glensjust. There is rumored to exist a band of highly skilled thieves called The Gallowmen, due to each of them having escaped the gallows at least once. Also active in town are the Black Skulls.

It is illegal in Glensjust to create or possess undead beings, or to summon or deal with fiends. Gambling, most drugs, and prostitution are illegal within the town walls, but legal in Sailor's Town.

Interesting locations in Glensjust include Glens Commons, Shieldhome, The Thirsty Giant, The Broken Sword, Temple of Elwer (Glensjust), The Biting Jackrabbit, and, formerly, The Smithy of Bruna. Just outside the town wall to the east sits Sailor's Town. See Glensjust Shops and Services.

Jowenys Ofandrus lives in Glensjust, and keeps the Shrine of Culon (Glensjust). Also in town are her friends Arlinaria, Zibi Trabet, Glare, and Bezumny. All together they are the Knights of Glensjust.
